Financial Health Assesment

How healthy are you financially? Financial health is critical to living a fulfilling and stress-free life while securing your future.

This tool is intended to help you assess your financial health. The assessment will provide you with a snapshot of the current state of your financial health and what to do next.

It should take about 15 minutes. Read each statement and choose a response which most closely represents your situation. Don’t overthink it especially if none of the responses fits your situation perfectly. Simply select one that comes closest. Remember there are no right or wrong answers.

The results will be sent to you via email.

Thank you

How do you feel about money?

How organized is your financial life?

How much time do you spend each week taking care of your money?

Do you think you can become an expert in taking care of your own money?

How much of your income do you save every month?

You get a surprise phone call. Your distant uncle left you $10,000 in his will. The money is being transferred into your account today. What do you do with the money?

What is your preferred shopping style?

How is your personal credit rating?

Which best describes your current monthly expenses?

Which of the following best describes the feelings you have about your current debt?

My most important financial goal for the next five years is best described as follows:

Your car suddenly broke down and you need $1000 in repairs today. How would you pay for the repairs?

Do you have a retirement account of your own an/or other investments?

How you picture your life when you retire?

Select the statement which best describes your retirement planning.

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